Why Did We Choose this Formulation?

We chose this formulation because each ingredient has potential benefits for weight control and appetite regulation and may not be present in a regular diet.

The botanicals in the formula have shown beneficial effects on weight management, a healthy diet, and regular physical activity. Please read the detailed ingredients section.

How Do I use it?

Take 1 to 2 veg—capsules just before your most abundant meal with a large glass of water. Please do not take it if you do not eat as Bio Fit®’s bioactive micro-nutrients can help regulate your sugar level and increase your energy after the meal, leading progressively to a natural increase in your metabolism.

What Are the Ingredients?

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If you would like to see the label, click here.

White Kidney Beans non-GMO

This legume is native to South America. White Kidney Beans can positively help with weight management and body fat by decreasing starch’s absorption (April 2018) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5920428/ DNA verified.

Curcumin C3 Complex non-GMO: 95% Turmeric (patent from Sabinsa Corp.)

In addition to its traditional use in Ayurvedic tradition , recent data shows that Curcumin may help reduce the level of sugar after a meal in healthy subject . (Sept.2018) 327603486_Curcumin_alleviates_postprandial_glycaemic_response_in_healthy_subjects_A_cross-over_randomized_controlled_study/ DNA certified & verified.

Resveratrol non-GMO- 99% concentrated

Found in grapes, red wine, and berries, resveratrol is rich in polyphenols, and we use a very high-quality source. This micro phytonutrient (from natural plants) has benefited aging skin and can improve the metabolism by increasing exercise performance. (January 2019) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6357128/

Green Tea Extract non-GMO (98% polyphenols-;Catechins: 75%; CGCG 45%) & very low in caffeine

Green tea is generally richer in bio-active ingredients like polyphenols, catechins, and CGCG) than other teas. We purposely use very low caffeine extract because, as one age, one can find it difficult to sleep. (If preferred, you can take the recommended 1-2 maximum a day before your most abundant earlier meals: breakfast or lunch instead of diner with a large glass of water). DNA verified & certified.

BioPerine® – Black Pepper Fruit Extract (a patented ingredient from Sabinsa Corp.)

“A natural ingredient that significantly improves the bioavailability and benefits of nutritive compounds. In general, BioPerine was found to enhance the absorption of nutrients by at least 30%”. (reference BioPerine.com)

Zinc – 10 mg.

“Zinc is necessary for the body’s immune system and helps skin stay healthy.” Recent studies show that Zinc can have benefits in weight regulation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5754376/


Fresh food and whole grains are rich in chromium. This is why we only added 20% of the recommended Daily Value.

What is Different in this Formulation that Makes it Work for Women 40+?

As we age, our bodies sometimes tend not to metabolize carbohydrates as efficiently. As a result, we may have more food cravings and gain weight. Our formulation can help with weight management with its concentrated bio-active botanicals.

We aim to help women 40+ reach their potential beauty and well-being. However, if you have diabetes, you must consult your physician, and this does not substitute medications that may be prescribed.

Can I Use this Product if I am Under 40-Year-old?

We developed this product for the unique needs of women 40+.

Although it is safe to use, it is unnecessary to use this product if you are under 40-year-old as its concentration in polyphenols is especially beneficial as we get older.

Will I Lose Weight if I Only Take BIO FIT®?

It varies by individual, and it depends on other variables.

Other variables can promote or affect weight, such as nutrition and physical activity. Please try to eat a varied diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and fruits, walk daily, and decrease empty calories. Listen to your body – drink pure water if you are thirsty!

What will happen if I eat unhealthy, processed foods and drink high caloric beverages?

It will not work! It is important to eat according to the recommended US daily allowances. Obesity is more prevalent between 45 and 64 years-old. so it is quite important to maintain a normal weight. https://www.stateofobesity.org/obesity-by-age/ Strict diets or its contrary, high consumption of empty calories will counteract BIO FIT®’s benefits.

How Long Will it Take for the Product to Work?

Some people will see results immediately in regards to fewer cravings and more energy. For others, it takes longer.

It will also depend on other variables, such as diet and exercise. It is important to eat nutritious and varied food, as well as to stay physically active.

Does taking BIO FIT® means that I should ignore my diet?

No. Remember that eating varied, fresh foods and drinking pure water will help give your body what it needs.

Are there any Side Effects?

We are unaware of any side effects based on the studies performed for each of our ingredients if used as directed.

If you take more than the recommended dose and not as direh is before a meal and with a glass of water, you could have unwanted reactions.


This product does not intend to prevent or cure any disease. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medications like anticoagulants or having any allergies or medical conditions or concerns that may be affected by ingesting any product, consult your health care professional before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reaction occurs. If you present abnormal signs associated with menopause like an abnormal weight gain, consult your physician.

Has it Been Clinically Tested?

There are multiple relevant studies on each ingredient, but the product hasn’t been clinically tested.

Our formulation results from a thorough analysis of all available data on each of our ingredients individually.

Why aren’t their hormones such as Oestrogen or Progesterone?

We believe it is the role of a woman’s OBY-GYN to prescribe hormones.

This product doesn’t intend to treat or prevent any abnormal issues related to pre-menopause or menopause. Consult your doctor if you present abnormal symptoms or need hormonal treatment.

Does BIO FIT® Work Because of the Presence of Stimulants?

No. We strive to avoid using ingredients that could cause nervousness.

We use a highly effective and safe dose of Green Tea Extract that is high in polyphenols and very low in caffeine. If you prefer taking 2 capsules in the morning, please do so along with a large glass of water or coffee/tea and some food.
