Quit Bad Sugar: 7 day-plan
Step 1:
Keep a food diary: write down the number of sodas, fruit juices, cakes, cookies, energy bars, sugary cereals, white-bread slices, to name a few, you eat each week.
Step 2:
calculate to be motivated to change.
As a reminder:
Insulin resistance costs the Syndrom X our insulin resistance syndrome, which causes metabolic disorders, dyslipidemia, high bool pressure, cardiovascular diseases, abdominal obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
Aside from genetic factors that predispose some to insulin resistance, many environmental factors or acquired traits can cause or aggravate insulin resistance.
With age, pandemic aggravated sedentary, sugary diet, fatty foods, stress, hormonal changes for men (androgens) and women, muscular atrophy are all associated with insulin resistance.
Keep in mind: Fat’s density is lighter than muscles, so you could keep silver while not losing so much weight.
In other words., if two people A and B, weigh the same, but A has more muscle than B, A will be thinner than B.
Prevention consists of stress management, exercises (notably muscle strength), and diet changes!

Step 3
CUT BACK: Quit sugar. This is tough.
Even changing from a bad habit to good practice is tough, no matter how beneficial & urgent.
Soda, fruit juices, cakes, candies, replace high surgery cereals with sugar-free, white bread by multi-grains.
Step 4:
How to change into better nutrition:
1- Get rid of the wrong foods/ drinks
2- Plan a new shopping list: whether you shop in-person or online, change your list by adding mineral waters (so many to try). Pick a few brands and taste them.
Interestingly, their content in Magnesium or calcium can be an add-on to your diet. Fruit juice can be rucked in calories and empty in fibers. One glass of orange juice contains at least four oranges!
3-read the labels: watch for added sugars in flavored yogurt pearls, sauces, ice teas! Ak for non-sweetened!
Step 5:
Quit sugar, switch your sugar addiction to something you; love: call friends, watch your favorite series, take a walk, find a new hobby like something you would like to learn.
Step 6:
love yourself.
Tell yourself: I am enough, and I want to feel even better. It will happen.
Step 7:
Share your goal with others.
It’s more fun to share though the struggle is on you. You need to plan, manage.